Dynamic Therapy Solution will be selling home health therapy software at CSM 2008!

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Dynamic Therapy Solution
357 Keller Parkway
Keller, TX 76248

phone - 866-635-3505
fax - (432) 685-3905

For sales information email us at: info@dynamictherapysolution.com

More Than Just Software

You have likely heard the term "software as a service" or SaaS used lately when dealing with online solutions to business. It is a term used rather loosely these days by every software company on the block. The problem is, the service they are offering is basically technical support (which should be a part of the deal anyhow).

At Dynamic Therapy Solution we actually provide a service beyond your normal tech support. Read some of the many services provided when you become a customer.
Access To IT Professionals
Not sure which computer to purchase for your home office? Maybe you don't know which virus protection to use, or how to install it. Regardless the issue, you now have your very own IT Support Team to bounce everything off of.
Business Documents
We provide you with a template of all Medicare required items needed. We give you job descriptions, applications and other templates so all you need to do is hire the staff and our software will control the rest for you.
Legal Documents to Protect
Protecting your business is important and that means you have to be sure you have the right forms and legal documents in your tool box. Legal documents can be expensive and time consuming if you try them yourself. We have these as part of our package for no additional cost to you.

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